Advanced searching development fields reference Jira Software Data Center and Server 9 10 Atlassian Documentation

Search for issues where the time spent is set to a particular value (i.e. a number, not a date or date range). Use “w”, “d”, “h” and “m” to specify weeks, days, hours, or minutes. You can search by status name or status ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a status). If you have multiple sprints with similar (or identical) names, you can simply search by using the sprint name — or even just part of it. The possible matches will be shown in the autocomplete drop-down, with the sprint dates shown to help you distinguish between them. Search for issues that are assigned to a particular sprint.

  • If the time unit qualifier is omitted, it defaults to the natural period of the function, e.g. endOfDay(“+1”) is the same as endOfDay(“+1d”).
  • Use this JQL query to add colors to your issue cards!
  • We also have a downloadable cheat sheet to keep close on hand as you perform searches with JQL.
  • The commit id can be supplied as a CommitId instance or BigDecimal.
  • To accommodate this, your function must be thread-safe or unexpected
    behavior can result.

Single query can specify more than one commit property. In this case, each given commit property must match with a persisted one. The group key is computed from a key specification – the first argument of the groupBy() transformation. This argument is a list containing property names or functions that compute a key from a collection element. Using this, you can filter the outbound referenced objects further by providing the Reference Type as a single or multiple value(s).


This example request adds a comment and sets the security level to an existing issue. A custom field is actually referenced by customfield\_ + the field ID, rather than just the field ID. The OR operator links two terms, and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document. To perform a single character wildcard search, use the “?” symbol.

jql documentation

You can set precedence in your JQL queries by using parentheses. Parentheses will group certain clauses together and enforce precedence. When you only use the OR keyword, all clauses will be treated as separate, and equal in terms of precedence.

Event Object Specification

It is possible for an issue to belong to both a completed sprint(s) and an incomplete sprint(s). The “latest” is determined by the ordering assigned to the versions, not by actual Version Due Dates. Specifying 0 or more than 100 globalIds will result in errors. Returns issues that have missed one of their SLA goals.

jql documentation

Returns a list of active users that match the search string and have all specified permissions for the project or issue. This resource can be accessed by users with ADMINISTER_PROJECT permission for the project or global ADMIN or SYSADMIN rights. Returns groups with substrings matching a given query. This is mainly for use with
the group picker, so the returned groups contain html to be used as picker suggestions.

If a globalId is provided and a remote issue link
exists with that globalId, the remote issue link is updated. The fields that can be set on create, in either the fields parameter or the update parameter can be determined
using the /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta resource. If a field is not configured to appear on the create screen, then it will not be in the createmeta, and a field
validation error will occur if it is submitted.

jql documentation

It’s a flexible and powerful way to look for a set of Jira tickets. Search for issues that a particular user is watching. Note that you can only what are JQL queries and how to use them find issues for which you have the “View Voters and Watchers” permission, unless you are searching for issues where you are the watcher.